
Many rural and township schools in South Africa don’t have access to a computer facility and basic computer skills are compulsory in Education of Higher Learning as well as in society. Many of the children who complete high school with a level of achievement to study further in a field of Engineering will never have had an opportunity to do programming or have access to engineering materials in their school years thus hampering their hopes of graduating in those fields a big possibility.

Who we are?

Devoxx4Kids South Africa is a registered Non-Profit Company (NPC) and Organization (NPO) (Company Reg. No: 2019/518166/08 / NPO 241-758) with the aims to get children excited about technology and with the goal that many of them may become producers of technology in the future.

What we do?

Devoxx4Kids South Africa understands the urgency required to introduce technology skills to our children from a very young age. We conduct varieties of hand-on workshops where children build computer games, learn basic programming languages, robotics, etc, while having fun. This allows the children to not only experience technology but enables them to further explore technologies.